New 8 secrets to a happy childhood for your kids

the secrets of a happy childhood

Written by: Barbra Smith

Published on: July 28, 2023

Last updated: July 23, 2024

Parents seek to create a happy childhood for their kids at any cost, but not all parents succeed in achieving good childhood memories. Because life can take you away from your kids, like being busy with work or personal life without paying much attention to the kids.

On the contrary, other parents focus entirely on their kids without paying much attention to their careers or personal lives.

In fact, those two types of parents do not understand how to create the best childhood for their kids.

Today, I am sharing my secrets with you to make your kids have a happy childhood with simple tips.

In this blog post, we will share with you our recipe to make the best memories for your kids:

  1. Why should parents create a happy childhood for their kids?
  2. Good parents follow a good parenting style.
  3. Do not lose your temper to avoid childhood trauma.
  4. Happy kids are the result of the right techniques for disciplining.
  5. Happy kids Share enough time with their parents.
  6. Protect your kids from bullying.
  7. Early head start programs
  8. What does a happy childhood teach children?

Why should parents create a happy childhood for their kids?

Satisfying your kids’ emotional and physical needs with the necessary elements of success will contribute to making a happy childhood for them. Let me show you how. 

Physically like:

  • Having a sweet home in a good neighborhood
  • Availability of food, clean water, and clothes
  • Having the necessary education.

Note that there is a wide range to choose from for these options because not all people buy or afford the same thing, but we are talking here about the minimum requirements for a happy childhood.

You do not have to buy luxury clothes from well-known brands to meet the criteria, but moderate and good-looking clothes are enough to make happy kids.

Mentally like:

  • Being an understanding parent and having a healthy relationship with your partner

  • Having a good family and relatives, in general, is essential because they form the first real experience for your child to learn how to interact with people in life and develop socially.

  • Feeling safe, secure, and loved.

These requirements are necessary because they will motivate kids to be more creative and to achieve high academic performance.

Good parents follow a good parenting style for a happy childhood.

Reading and knowing about different parenting styles, which were founded by the great clinical and developmental psychologist Diana Baumrind

In general, there are four parenting styles:

Knowing the differences between these parenting styles will help you be the parent your child wants you to be.

Being a good parent will have a direct effect on your kid’s childhood memories.

And keep in mind that you cannot be an ideal parent all the time because we are all humans, and to err is human, so do not worry if you fail once or twice.

Taking control of your temper can be really challenging, especially if it is your first time dealing with children, and that takes us to the next point.

Do not lose your temper to avoid childhood trauma

Some parents who are vulnerable to life’s stresses may lose their temper and shout at their kids, which results in a traumatic experience.

Trauma can result from things like domestic violence, bullying, racism, sexual abuse, physical abuse, and much more.

Avoiding all these negative experiences will help your child have a happy childhood.

Do not feel overburdened because your child will have traumatic stress sometime in her life, and your role as a parent is to know how to properly treat the negative effects of trauma to make your kid have as many good childhood memories as possible.

Happy kids are the result of the right techniques for disciplining.

A good disciplining technique plays a significant role in a happy childhood because many parents tend to follow old and poor techniques of disciplining, like shouting at the child or making family members avoid him.

A nice way to teach children about mistakes is to have mature conversations with them and to criticize the mistake itself, not the child because criticizing the child himself will lead to anxiety, a lack of self-confidence, or tantrums.

Make a positive atmosphere around the house by teaching them to share the responsibilities in the house, like doing chores or cleaning.

If your kid throws tantrums and does not want to share the responsibilities, then do not be angry at him because he is just a child and wants to play, so be patient and show some passion to him.

Happy kids Share enough time with their parents.

The smallest thing a parent can do to have happy kids is to spend time together doing fun activities.

There are a lot of activities for kids, like picnicking, family gatherings, painting, camping, and much more.

Sharing time and laughing together will contribute to the kid’s health, as several studies state that children laugh more than 200 times a day, unlike adults.

So, one of the greatest things a parent can do is make her kids laugh a lot because laughing has several benefits for a healthy life, like:

  • Reducing the risks of heart disease.
  • Increasing blood flow
  • Having positive feelings for life.

All of this will contribute to happy childhood memories for your kids.

Protect your kids from bullying.

Child bullying is a common problem that parents face daily, as one in five students is bullied, and that is considered a challenge for parents because bullying can have a direct and negative impact on a child’s life. 

Happy childhood memories are made when a parent gives unconditional love and support to his kid when he is bullied, so the kid will remember how his mom or dad stood right by him in stressful situations.

Early head start programs.

One simple way to give your children the best childhood memories is to make them enroll in an early head start program so they can have a better social life as they learn to interact with other children and teachers.

These programs are a good choice for parents as they are funded by the federal government and have qualified teachers.

In the head start programs, children will have fun, learn, and play, which will help you create a happy childhood for your kids.

What does a happy childhood teach children?

After creating a healthy and positive lifestyle to ensure a happy childhood for your kids, you should expect some traits in them, like:

  • Loving their parents
  • Contentment
  • Being honest
  • Feeling optimistic
  • proactive
  • Respecting others
  • Self-confidence
  • Being creative

Example from my personal life for a happy kid:

I went on a picnic with my family, and there were kids at this gathering. My sister told her son to pick up a piece of paper he threw on the ground, and he did what his mom said, and then my sister praised his attitude.

My cousin watched the situation closely and wondered how my sister did that to her kid.

The answer was simple: positive parenting makes good children.
