How to be a good mother in 7 simple tips? A guide for new moms

How to be a good mother

Every responsible, great mom asks the following question:

What should I do to be a good mother?

Am I giving them what they really need?

Should I go easy on them or should I be strict while teaching them manners?

What should I do to be the super mom in their imagination?

To be a good mother, you need to find a work-life balance between work and home, and you also need to provide a happy life for your kids.

In this topic, we are going to discuss the following:

  1. How do you bring up your child in a good way?
  2. Rewarding my kid
  3. Does punishing kids is a good mothering tactic?
  4. The good mom and the comparison principle
  5. Mothers give advice, not orders.
  6. The perfect relationship between a mom and her partner
  7. Be proud of yourself.

How do you bring up your child in a good way?

Upbringing a kid is a great responsibility, and each mom should understand that being a good mom will not be an easy job because it requires patience, passion, and lots of love.

Kids start to realize actions at an early age; they can easily spot people nearby doing good or bad things, and once they know how to imitate their actions, they will start doing them, so you need to be, as a mom, the first source of inspiration and passion so that you can be a super mommy that follows the authoritative parenting style and that’s how to be a good mother.

This parenting style is characterized by high responsiveness and high demands, so you should have mature conversations with your kids to convince them to adopt good behavior and a healthy lifestyle.

According to Baumrindthere are four parenting styles that you should first know to raise your kid properly.

Rewarding my kid

How to be a good mother
Photo Source: Freepik

A good mothering tactic is how and when to reward a kid and when to refuse to give up rewards.

If your kid is doing something good that you have taught him, smile at him and cherish his actions so that he develops a good and responsible personality.

On the other hand, if your kid is doing something wrong, try to ignore him but keep watching him so that he doesn’t harm himself, because in some cases if you tell him to stop, he will keep doing it.

Remember that to err is human, so when your kid does something bad, teach him that what he is doing is going to harm him in some way.

Please do not get bored by repeating the advice several times because, after all, it is your kid. When your kid finally learns the good and healthy way, a good mom has to reward him, like by telling him he is allowed to eat candy twice a week or play with friends a little longer.

Does punishing kids is a good mothering tactic?

“Punish the action, not the kid.”

A smart and good mom should know how to punish and discipline her kid because the concept of reward and punishment should always exist but do not punish your kid severely so that you do not become a reason for a childhood trauma or bad memories of you, like hitting your kid, refusing to talk to him, or forcing him to sit alone in a room with no one.

Instead, you do not allow him to eat his favorite candy for one day or watch his favorite cartoon, and as a result, your kid will start crying but do not hesitate to continue your discipline so that next time he will take you seriously because if you hesitate, he will not listen to you again.

You should also teach your kid that you discipline him because he did something wrong, but you will never hate him personally and that you still love him no matter what.

The good mom and the comparison principle

“We are different; we are like fingerprints.”

A good mother never compares her kid to anyone because when she does that, her kid will start to hate the one he is compared to, and he will start hating the success of anyone, eventually becoming selfish.

A good mom should realize that her kid is unique, that he is not obliged to be someone else, and that in life each person contributes to society somehow. Your kid might have a taste for music, so he could be a great composer someday, or he might love painting, so he could be the next Da Vinci someday, or he might have a taste for foreign languages, science, engineering, etc.

A great mom teaches her kid to love success for other people and to only compare himself to himself and not to any other person because we are all different.

Mothers give advice, not orders.

How to be a good mother
Photo Source: Freepik

Your kids should obey and listen to you because they love and respect you, not because they fear your discipline.

You should give them a chance to express their thoughts, and in return, you should direct them in the right direction and explain your point of view based on real-life experience.

By doing that, you are expanding your kids’ realizations and not just giving strict orders.

For example:

If you are in a family union and your kid starts to mock another kid just because he is different in something, then you have to stop your kid from doing that.

Begin to explain that his action was wrong because a good kid like him should not laugh at or mock someone else because we are all different, that the other kid could be embarrassed and maybe he cannot defend himself, and that he should go and apologize to the other kid.

Just remember to explain the wrong attitude every time to create a healthy relationship between you and your kid, and that is how to be a good mother.

The perfect relationship between a mom and her partner

To be a great mom, you should have a healthy relationship with your partner. You should have a deal between you two to always show mutual love and respect in front of your kids so that they can feel safe. If, for any reason, you have a dispute or a disagreement with your partner, then both of you should not make your kids feel uncomfortable because that will affect them negatively.

Be proud of yourself

You are a strong woman who managed to be responsible for a home and to withstand pregnancy until your due date. Be proud of yourself and reward it by doing the following:

  • Take care of yourself and your mental health.
  • Practice your favorite sport because you deserve it.
  • Go to a spa with your friend to relax.
  • Leave the kids with a nanny and go to dinner with your partner.

Remember: Not because you are a mom means forgetting about yourself.

In conclusion

We should all know that being a mom is hard; we always make right and wrong decisions while taking care of our kids, and it’s natural and healthy to apologize to them.

A great mom should know that educating a child is a great responsibility.
Now, it is your turn to share with us your opinion about how to be a good mother from your point of view by contacting us.