Find the truth about: Is one child enough?

Is one child enough

Having children is a great grace and a blessing we should all appreciate, as children can be a great source of happiness for us. So after raising one child with your partner, you might ask yourself if one kid is enough to make a happy and satisfied family or not.       

Can we really support and guarantee a suitable social life for our only child?”
“Can we give our child a proper education?”
“Are we psychologically and financially ready to have another baby?”

Finding the answers to these questions with your partner lets you know if only having one child is enough or not.

In this blog post, we will try to cover these questions and share our point of view about this topic, as there are no right or wrong answers to any of the above questions because they are all relative.

So let’s start our topic by discussing:

  1. Is one child enough or not, and what are my chances?
  2. What should I think about before having another child?
  3. What type of life quality can you support for your family?
  4. Benefits of having only one child.
  5. Cons of only having one child.
  6. What should you do if you decide to have one kid?
  7. It’s quality, not quantity.

Is one child enough or not, and what are my chances?

To answer this question, you have to consider several factors, the most important of which is the possibility of your pregnancy and your strength to withstand another nine months.

You need to consider your age because, as you get older, pregnancy becomes harder.

So, first of all, you need to consult a doctor about your physical condition before taking action.

If everything is okay with your medical condition, then have a mature conversation with your partner about your need to have another child.

If you and your partner have full-time jobs and barely save time for one child, then you have to find a balance between your career and your kids if you decide to have another kid.

Check the following interesting discussion from Quora.

What should I think about before having another child?

Is one child enough
Photo Source: Freepik

Only having one kid is a great responsibility because you are forced to support a kid financially and emotionally.

If you are thinking of having another child, then you have to consider your financial situation, so you need to have a discussion with your partner and make plans for your family’s future because life right now is fast-paced.

Supporting your children emotionally is a critical matter because if you do not care emotionally for your kid, then you will have a spoiled child.

So, if your job causes stress, then you will barely have enough time for a child.

You should also consider how you will feel if you see families around you with two or more kids, because as you get older, you might blame yourself for not having had the experience of having another child.

Raising one child can cost you thousands of money, so which option do you prefer?

Having another child or upgrading your life quality with your current “one child” situation

What type of life quality can you support for your family?

The more children you have, the less quality of life your family gets.

As your family grows, you need to pay much more money to cover your new expenses.

And this might affect the quality of education for your first child.

Not only education quality but also type of food, health, and type of clothes.

Your  free time at home will also be affected as you will spend less time with your first child, so be aware of how your child can become jealous of her brother or sister.

A friend of mine from a foreign country told me that his father’s family was great in size; there were five siblings, a father, and a mother.

As a result, not all the family members had proper education, and some of the children had to work at an early age.

This is clear proof that you should not have a lot of kids, which is why modern countries encourage having one or two kids at most.

Benefits of having only one child:

Benefits of having only one child
Photo Source: Freepik

So, is one child enough for you? Let’s find out:

  • Good money situation

Families with an only child can afford more luxurious living than those with two or more kids.

  • Less stress

Having more than one child can be stressful, with all the responsibilities of providing enough food, clothes, and a good education.

  • No disputes

Having two kids can be a headache sometimes, as your kids might fight each other over silly things.

  • Independence

Your child will be independent because he or she won’t have the option to depend on someone else to do his chores.

Cons of only having one child :

  • You might regret it.

As your child gets older, he or she will be busy with life matters and might not be in the same place or hometown, so you and your partner will be lonely.

  • Feeling lonely

Your kid will be alone if you don’t spend enough time with each other.

  • Too much involvement:

You have one kid who you care too much about, and that may have a negative effect on his or her self-confidence.

What should you do if you decide to have one kid?

If you decide to have one kid, then you have to know how to spend time with your kid.

I’ll try to mention some interesting activities you can do with your kid:

  1. Play with your kid the games he or she loves.
  2. Help your kid explore his or her hobbies and provide guidance.
  3. You can rent a movie of her choice and watch it together.
  4. Have mature discussions with your kid so that she can gain more self-confidence.
  5. Encourage your child to bond with other kids so that he doesn’t have a social phobia.
  6. Don’t be overly protective; let your child make his own decisions and be there for him.
  7. Do not let your child feel that he needs a sibling, imagine yourself as his sibling, remember your childhood, and try to relive your memories again.

You can also ask your relatives and neighbors who have a child for some advice because they can provide you with valuable information.

It's quality, not quantity:

Remember that the quality of your family life is better than the size of your family.

Keep in mind that you and your partner are responsible for your lives, so don’t let anyone criticize your choice or affect your opinion about having a big family.

Only having one child is perfect; two children are OK; but more than two is not recommended.

In Conclusion:

In this topic, we tried to recover the answers to the questions we mentioned at the beginning.

You should now be able to choose which option is OK for you and your partner.

Whatever decision you have made, love and cherish it.

Let us know your opinion by contacting us.