Why family is important? And benefits for every family member.

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Family is important because they provide us with support, love, and a healthy life.

Humans have known the power of being in a family since the dawn of history, and they formed Groups, which consisted of several families so that they could protect each other and survive through hard times.

Nowadays, researchers have proven that family is important because being born into a good family helps children have better mental and physical health.

The good and honorable history of a family will teach its individuals the importance of family, which will encourage them to continue the success of their family.

In this article, we will discuss the importance of every individual in a family, like:

The importance of a father and a mother

Why is a brother important?

The importance of a sister

How to build a close family?

What will you miss if you are not in a good relationship with family members?

The importance of a father and a mother

  • A father is like a tent roof, and the mother is its pole.

The father is the figure of protection who provides the family with their needs, like food and shelter, by working and earning money.

A mother is one who cares about the small details in the house, like making the favorite food for the family, and she will spread love and joy across the house.

This case is not ideal because the family members share doing the chores together and the parents have a full-time job.

  • Your father will teach you courage, and your mom will teach you tenderness.

Dads will teach their children how to be courageous, like facing their fears and stressful situations, because fathers or men generally, use rational thinking.

On the contrary, moms use emotional thinking while dealing with their kids, so they are warm, loving, and forgiving when they deal with children.

These two different attitudes from the parents should teach us to balance between using our mind and our heart.

  • Your father will provide you with life experience, and your mom will give you her utmost care.

Giving life experiences and advice on how to deal with new situations should be the role of fathers because, by their nature, they see and face hard times all the time.

A mom will care about her kids, like their studies and their different needs.

  • You will see unconditional love from your parents.

Your parents will give you unconditional love, and they wait for nothing in return because it has been their nature since the day you were born.

Your parents are expecting the same attitude from you toward them, so do not let them feel disappointed.

Why is a brother important?

  • He will protect his sister from bad boys and his brother from bullying.

A boy loves to prove that he is trustworthy to his parents and siblings, so he will do everything to protect his sister if she has a bad boyfriend, because boys, just like fathers, love to intimidate boyfriends.

A boy will protect his younger brother from bullies because he feels it is his responsibility to protect him because he cannot let anything bad happen to him.

  • The brother will solve your problems when you cannot tell your parents about them.

Many boys or girls get into trouble at a young age and do not know how to solve these problems, so they turn to their brothers because if they tell their parents about the problem, they will be disciplined.

This kind of behavior strengthens the relationship between siblings because they can rely on each other.

  • A brother will be responsible for the family when the father is not around.

The father in many families may not be available because of the nature of his job, like being an army officer or a member of the ship’s crew.

In this situation, a dad talks to his son and tells him to be responsible for his mom and siblings because boys like to be in charge when a parent encourages him.

family members love each other
Photo source: Freepik

The importance of a sister

  • She will become the second mother in the house.

A sister is supposed to take care of the house with her mom and should also take care of her younger siblings because women, by nature, are emotional.

Daughters spread joy because they are more social than boys and work hard to have a good relationship with all family members.

  • Your sister is your safe keeper, who will give you emotional support.

Who did not share secrets with her sisters?

My sister was the first to hear that I had a crush on a boy from my school, and I did not tell my mother or father because I was a little embarrassed.

She was the one who gave me advice on how to deal properly with boys and how to know who is good enough to be my boyfriend and who is not.

Surprisingly, I did not regret telling her that because everything turned out to be great after listening to her tips.

How to build a close family

  • Talk about your day with family members.

One of the good things I did with my family back when I was young was to share my day with them. After some time, my siblings began to share their details with me, and that helped us to be close to each other.

  • Do inside or outside family activities.

It is no secret that sharing time and activities with all family members contributes to family cohesion.

There are a lot of family activities, like watching a movie together, camping, or preparing dinner all together.

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  • Solving each other’s problems.

This may not be acceptable for all people because we do not want someone to interfere in our lives or our privacy, but consulting them is a good thing because family members care for each other unconditionally, which is why family is important.

a family spending time together
Photo source: Freepik

What will you miss if you are not in a good relationship with family members?

So far, we have discussed the importance of family, but now we need to discuss how you will feel when your family is not good.

  • Feeling lonely.

When you have a toxic family and you do not have someone close to you, you will feel anxiety and depression because no one cares about you.

  • Poor social skills

If your family members do not care about each other, then kids may not be able to socialize with other kids from their school because they feel timid and lack self-confidence.

  • There is not enough support.

As no one will help you solve your problems, you will feel weak and helpless, and you may have a traumatic experience or be bullied when no one is there to protect you.