about barbra smith:

my name is Barbra Smith, and I am the writer and founder of the website Parents’ Diaries.

I am a 32-year-old mom of two kids and also a teacher.

I was born to an American father and an Egyptian mother, and right now we all live in Cairo, Egypt.

When I became a mom for the first time, I did not have much experience in parenting, and I did not know how to find real and valuable information about parenting.

Learn more about Barbra Smith

About us

Parents’ Diaries is a website offering valuable parenting tips for both new and experienced parents.

I, Barbra, have started this website because I wanted to share my days and the experiences I get with my kids every day. I could not get much information about parenting, so I wanted to share my information with all parents.

My team, which is me and my husband, does decent research from reputable scientific resources to support parents with a healthy way to raise children.

Our vision is to help all parents raise a generation of kids who are healthy, happy, and well-adjusted without relying on old-fashioned ways.

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to any discussion or suggestions.