Activities for kids you will want to know

activities for kids

We all really know that the sound of a screaming or crying kid makes anyone uncomfortable, especially if you have just arrived home after a long and exhausting day at work, or maybe you are sitting at home and trying to spend the weekend peacefully, but still, your kid is hyperactive and wants to spend the time somehow.

New parents might think that kids activities are like distracting kids with TV shows, cartoons, or giving them a smartphone, but NO.

It is not recommended to leave your kid alone and unsupervised with these solutions.

In this article, we are going to mention some fun activities for kids and how to spend a wonderful time with them.

1-arranging for a picnic

We all know that time passes quickly in this busy life, and we also do not have enough time to spend with kids or listen to their funny and silly adventures. So it is always a good idea to arrange a family picnic away from TVs and advanced technologies like tablets and phones.

You can also suggest the picnic activity to your neighbors if they have kids the same age as yours, in order to spend the day together and make Fun activities for kids.

2-choosing an appropriate sport to practice

One of the most important kids activities is motivating your kids to participate in a sport in their free time, as it will strengthen their bodies, clear their minds, and improve their self-confidence.

So, choosing a sport played in teams is preferred at a young age in your kids’ lives because it will help expand their social life with other kids.

You should also attend training sessions as a responsible parent to motivate your kids.

3-Playing with kids

As a mother, I regularly play cardio to keep in shape, and from time to time, I create a challenge for my child. So if she keeps up with me, I will reward her with something she loves.

4-Making simple food recipes together

Choosing a good and easy food recipe is one of the fun activities for kids to do, and it is also recommended to record it to watch later.

By doing that, you are creating a happy memory of yourself that can last forever with your kid.

5- Setting a certain time for modern technology.

I know that watching a lot of TV or using a smartphone for a lot of time is not beneficial for your kid’s health, and it is a fact we all know that anything forbidden is desirable.

Sooner than later, your kid will use technology, so you should start to set rules for using technological devices for your kid.

Watching TV for only one hour per day or using the smartphone for only half an hour per day.

Beware that you should supervise your kid while using smartphones because you cannot really predict what kind of content they might watch.

6-Family gatherings

activities for kids
Photo from Pexels

Meeting up with family members like the grandfather, grandmother, aunt, uncle, and cousins is beneficial to expand your kid’s social life.

And while you are at the gathering, your kid might engage in other kids activities with the other kids in the family.

7- Exploring new places  

Traveling abroad is a good choice after a busy academic year for your kids. Learning about different cultures and seeing new people is an excellent way to spend time with kids.

Your kid will learn new things in life and gain self-confidence as they deal with different cultures.

8-Telling stories to your kid

Telling stories is one of the funniest and best things you can do with a kid because they are fun and kids love them.

You can always tell stories that have good morals, and at the end of the story, ask your kid what the moral of the story was to make sure that the main idea behind the story was beneficial and easy to understand.

9-Learning a second language

If you are a bilingual mother, then you can teach your kid a second language simply by saying a word in English and repeating it in another language.

Time after time, your kid will start to become familiar with the other language, which will have a perfect impact later in your kid’s career.

10- Going to the Zoo

Watching and playing with animals is a fun experience for both of you and taking fun pictures with animals is going to be a good memory for you and your kid.

After spending a day in the zoo, you can talk with your kid about a specific animal he or she likes so that later you can buy a good and beautiful pet for your kid.

11-playing with ice

On rainy days, you can ask your kid to help you remove the ice in front of your house, and while doing that, you can surprise your kid with a small snowball. Later, you can call the dad to join you and spend some fun time together as a whole family.

12-painting with kids

Painting is one of the Fun activities for kids you can do. Both of you may have a drawing and help each other paint it, and by doing that, you will help expand your kid’s taste and imagination.

13-Helping with simple chores

Instead of leaving your kids watching TV each time while doing chores, you can assign them some simple chores, like arranging the clothes and toys, showing them how to sweep the floor by using mops, and where to put their dirty and sweaty clothes.

14- A house with a garden

If your house has a garden surrounding it, then you can play some beautiful games with your kids like Tag, treasure hunt, hide-and-seek, and statues.

You can also make it more fun if you install a classic rope swing in your garden for your kids or buy a slide for them.

15-Camping outside

activities for kids
photo from pixabay

Buying a tent and camping outside with your kids is a fun activity because there is nothing more beautiful than sharing exciting stories with each other while watching shiny stars at night.

A word from parent’s diaries

There are a lot of good ideas about kids activities to spend time with your children doing meaningful things other than wasting time watching TV for hours.

Try to diversify the activities you do with your kids to attract them, because repeating the same thing over and over will make them feel bored.

Make sure you always take pictures of the good moments you spend together, as it will be a good memory for both of you.