Affirmations for kids build powerful personalities, esteem, and more.

Affirmations for kids have positive effects

Written by: Barbra Smith / Last updated: Feb 23, 2024

Experienced parents know how positive affirmations for kids can be efficient and essential for their kids’ mental health.

These words of affirmation have the ability to make the children have more positive thoughts than negative ones.

They can also have positive effects, such as achieving better academic results, being accepted socially, and overcoming life challenges.

Parents should not ignore teaching their kids words of affirmation daily because leaving them exposed to negative news or thoughts will result in negative effects such as deteriorating mental health and low self-esteem.

In this post, we are going to teach parents the following:

  1. What are positive affirmations for kids?
  2. Daily Affirmations for Kids
  3. Morning Affirmations for Kids
  4. Self affirmations for children
  5. Inspiring quotes about how real people encourage themselves
  6. How do you use affirmations efficiently?
  7. Effects of positive affirmations for children.
  8. Scientifically, do positive affirmations really work for kids?

What are positive affirmations for kids?

Simply, they are motivational words that can be said overtly or covertly. The purpose of teaching positive affirmations is to encourage kids to have positive thoughts and behaviors.

Parents should begin teaching their kids about affirmations from an early age, even if they do not understand them. Here comes the role of the unconscious mind.

This unconscious mind will completely change their behavior and will have a direct impact on their conscious mind by transforming every challenge or negative thought into a positive one.

Daily Affirmations for Kids

  1. My family loves me.
  2. No one should ever belittle me.
  3. I should care about my studies to be successful.
  4. My friends love me.
  5. I should only do good things.
  6. I should help people around me unconditionally.
  7. Telling lies is a trait of cowards.
  8. This is a new day; this is a new better version of myself.
  9. I am going to learn something new today.
  10. I matter for my family.

Morning Affirmations for Kids

  1. Today is going to be a great day.
  2. I deserve to be happy every day.
  3. I should not repeat yesterday’s mistakes.
  4. No one should hurt my feelings.
  5. I should not waste time on silly things.
  6. Every new day is an amazing day.
  7. I should learn something new today.
  8. I will make this day great, no matter what.
  9. Today, I will have more achievements than yesterday.
  10. I should not fail my parents.

Self affirmations for children

  1. I should only compare myself to myself.
  2. There is nothing wrong with me.
  3. I should not give up on challenges.
  4. My family is proud of me.
  5. I am smart and unique.
  6. My abilities have no end.
  7. I should not make fun of anyone.
  8. My life will be better if I make more effort.
  9. The truth must always be told.
  10. I should motivate my friends to study more.

Inspiring quotes about how many people encourage themselves

In this section of our article, I will share with you quotes from real people on online forums.

They share how they motivate themselves so that you can inspire your kids in the same way.

“I look for my future, and if I make more efforts now, I will be relaxed later.” – Donald.

“I break down my routine into smaller tasks to make it less boring and to motivate myself.” – Clara.

“It is about being disciplined; getting up and being motivated becomes easier if you push yourself to do the tasks no matter what.” – Anonymous.

“Pushing away bad and lazy friends while making new healthy and active friends helped me a lot, so my advice is to gather the right people around you.” – David.

“Eating healthy food and being in good shape helped me to have better mental health and confidence, so that motivated me.” – Sara.

“Planning a schedule or a routine based on real expectations and your real abilities is a must to make things work.” – Emma.

“I stopped wasting time on useless things like social media and video games and used that time to read and to do cardio.” – Steve.

How do I use positive affirmations efficiently?

  • Encourage them to respond to negative criticism.

It is the parents’ role to inform their kids about possible negative experiences they might see in real life, like bullying, lying, etc.

Teaching the kids how to respond to this kind of talk is mandatory because that will enhance their self-confidence.

  • Use sticky notes to write affirmations for kids.

I suggest writing words of affirmation for kids on sticky notes with the help of your kids and then spreading them all over the house.

This is considered a good way for them to memorize positive affirmations.

  • Praise them until they succeed.

A good thing I learned from the Japanese educational system is to teach children to praise each other until they succeed.

Tutors and other children do not let any kid surrender while facing a challenge until he succeeds, so why don’t you do the same thing?

  • Make hypothetical situations

Consider making a simulation or a show of bad experiences in front of your kids with the help of your life partner.

Let’s say you take on the prey role, your partner is the predator, and you do an act in front of them to teach them how to respond to a possible negative attitude.

  • Spread positive thoughts around the house.

Try not to get into a conflict with your partner in front of them or tell them sad news because exposing them to negativity is bad for their mental health.

Effects of positive affirmations on kids

  • Increased self-esteem.

Kids will believe more in their abilities and values, which leads to more happiness and satisfaction with their strengths and weaknesses.

  • They will be optimistic.

Children will understand their failures, analyze their options carefully, and bounce back when something goes wrong.

  • They will have problem-solving skills.

Positive affirmations for kids can help them be more creative and find simple and clever ways to solve their problems.

In order to enrich this skill, you can buy helpful tools and games for your kids so they can develop it drastically.

You can also make your kid bond with other groups of kids to brainstorm solutions while solving a puzzle, for example.

  • Kids will have the courage to face their fears.

Affirmations for kids can help them build more trust in their abilities, and they will be able to fight back against their fears.

At first, they will need a little push and motivation from you to give them enough confidence.

Scientifically, do positive affirmations for kids really work?

First study:

It was conducted by Oxford University Press and stated that self-affirmations can motivate people to have a positive self-view.

They stated that being vulnerable to negative thoughts will urge positive affirmations to restore self-competence.

They also found that affirmed participants showed higher activity in key regions of their brains than their non-affirmed participants.

Second Study:

It was conducted by the University of Cambridge and stated that suppressing negative thoughts may improve one’s mental health.

In that research, they used simple techniques as an alternative to traditional therapies.

These techniques included methods to encourage the participants to face their fears, such as not predicting the worst-case scenario and always having positive thoughts.

The 120 participating volunteers reported that negative thoughts have become less vivid and their mental health has improved.


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