Barbra Smith

Hello, my name is Barbra Smith, and I am the writer and founder of the website Parents’ Diaries.

I am a 32-year-old mom of two kids and also a teacher.

I was born to an American father and an Egyptian mother, and right now we all live in Cairo, Egypt.

When I became a mom for the first time, I did not have much experience in parenting, and I did not know how to find real and valuable information about parenting.

I started reading several books about parenting and applied what I learned from these books, and right now I want to share all that I have learned so that moms, especially new ones, have a reliable source like parents’ diaries.

My childhood was not going well, as my father did not care much about parenting, but he cared a lot about just earning money, and that attitude left a scar on my life.

As I grew older, I promised myself to spread awareness among fathers and mothers equally so that their kids did not feel left alone just like me.

My job as a teacher helped me learn more about kids these days and how they think and react, so this advantage could be used in every parent’s favor.

My education:

  • Degree from the School of Humanities and Social Science at the American University in Cairo
  • Degree from the department of educational studies at American University in Cairo

Personal Skills:

  • Parenting
  • Teaching
  • Critical thinking

Contact info:

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