How to be a good dad? 8 beneficial tips for dads.

How to be a good dad

One of the challenges that new dads face is that they do not really know how to be the best dads for their kids.

Many dads think that bringing up children is the responsibility of their wives only without taking a real part in it, and they also think that it is OK to only support the family with a good home and a lot of money.

Being a good dad requires a sacrifice because you will abandon your old, lovely habits and you will start sharing your life with your wife and kids.

You will not be able to live your old life and will not be able to spend money carelessly because right now you have new responsibilities; you have become a dad.

I do not want you to be afraid because being a dad is an exciting adventure that can have the best moments of your life, so fasten your seat belt because we will give you the best tips for dads.

We will discuss:           

  1. The best dads get involved in their kids’ lives.
  2. A great dad spends enough time with his kids.
  3. You have to be a good husband if you want to be a good dad.
  4. It is OK to let your child make a mistake.
  5. Make as many good memories as you can.
  6. There is no secret recipe for being a good dad.
  7. Stop knowing too much.
  8. Finally, be a role model.

The best dads get involved in their kids’ lives

One of the techniques that can help new dads be better is to get involved in their kids’ lives from the beginning and to do the simplest things like prepare the milk for breastfeeding, change a dirty diaper, and prepare a warm bath for the baby.

A great dad should also be involved in his kid’s life when they face problems they cannot solve because every phase of the kid’s life has its own challenges.

How to be a good dad
Photo Source: Freepik

Just remember that getting involved in every single problem can have negative effects because you do not give your kids any chance to solve their own problems, which can eventually lead to low problem-solving skills and low self-confidence.

Remember that it is OK to make some mistakes while trying to be a dad, so do not push it and do not try to be perfect. Let your kids learn that we are all vulnerable to making mistakes, and teach them:

“To err is human.”

A great dad spends enough time with kids.

Many dads think that securing the financial situation for the family, like buying a nice home or a car, is their only responsibility towards the family, but that is not entirely true.

Making a balance between work and family is essential because family members should treat the father as a human, not a bank account.

I know that life right now is hard, and many fathers may work two different jobs to earn more money, but these fathers should learn other skills to work from home so that they can spend enough time with their kids while at the same time earning money.

You have to be a good husband if you want to be a good dad

The most important advice for dads is that they need to be good husbands if they want to be great dads.

How to be a good dad
Photo Source: Freepik

Having a bad relationship with the wife will have a negative effect on the kids. Things like not showing love in front of the kids, domestic violence, or shouting at each other can lead to psychological problems for the kids.

Also, divorce can have numerous negative effects, like:

  • Becoming more aggressive.
  • Not giving cooperation.
  • Low academic grades.
  • Developing a mental disorder.
  • Alcohol addiction.

So, being a good couple and showing mutual respect is the core of a successful and happy family.

It is OK to let your child make a mistake.

It is totally okay that a dad accepts his children’s mistakes because they are still kids, and it is normal for them because they are exploring the world around them to gain experience.

To be a good dad, it is essential to forgive and ignore the small mistakes of your kids and to not exaggerate in punishing them because severe punishment can cause childhood trauma that can last forever in the kids’ memories.

It is also advisable to deal with the child’s temper tantrum wisely because tantrums are normal in kids until they reach 4 years old, and there are many ways to evade tantrums by making agreements with the kid.

Make as many good memories as you can.

This advice for dads is important because memories and happy moments last forever in our lives.

Documenting happy and unique moments in your kid’s life is mandatory, like the first tooth loss, the first day at school, or a graduation party, because these moments will bring joy to the family members.

How to be a good dad
Photo Source: Freepik

Sometimes your kids will not like you going with them to school because they think that you will embarrass them in front of their little friends, and that is normal. Just talk to your kids about it and explain that you love doing this so that they can remember and appreciate these moments when they get old and have kids.

Being a good dad and making unforgettable memories have many benefits, like:

  • Help the kids develop a sense of identity.
  • Build self-confidence for kids because they have a healthy relationship with their parents.
  • Kids will not be envious of other kids who have a good bond with their parents.

There is no secret recipe to be a good dad.

One of the best pieces of advice for dads is to know that success does not have clear or predetermined steps, like a cooking recipe, because every dad has his own story and life circumstances.

So, you need to live your life, narrate your own story, and not imitate other people because what can work for you may not be good for others, and vice versa.

Also, you need to know that being a good dad requires patience and hard work.

Stop knowing too much.

Many dads get frustrated when they have a child, and they try to prepare for fatherhood by reading lots and lots of parenting books, which can eventually lead to unwanted stress.

Reading a lot and thinking a lot can have a negative impact because you may think that there is a lot of information you still do not know, so you need to do as Nike says.

“Just do it.”

But remember that it is not an open invitation for dads to ignore or give up reading.

Be a role model to be a great dad

One of the things that many fathers do wrong is that they tell their kids to do such and such, like not eating a lot of candy, waking up early, or apologizing for their mistakes, but at the same time, they can see you doing the exact opposite thing.

“To be a good dad, you need to be an idol.”

So, do what you say because your kids look up to you.

And finally, if you want more tips for dads, then I recommend asking other parents who are close to you because they may have some exciting tips.