How to be a good father? 7 Tips for good fatherhood

How to be a good father

Being a good father is a noble cause that every wise and successful man should strive for.

Most men have the wrong idea about being a good father from different countries and cultures that a good father should only support the family with a good quality of life, like having a big house or a luxurious car.

This type of man will work tirelessly to earn money, and his family members will treat him like a bank account to withdraw money.

But in the end, this very father will find out that making a close-knit family was the real target that should have been achieved.

To achieve this target, you should know some fatherhood tips through several steps.

Some men will remember how their fathers treated them when they were still young, and they will copy the same style and techniques with their children.

That’s not the correct technique because what worked then can’t work now in the same way.

In this article, I will try to help and support you with good fatherhood tips with a real example from my life by discussing:

Learn how to be a good father.

A non-experienced father should understand that there are different parenting styles he should first know about because acquiring that knowledge will teach him how to be a good father and a role model for his children.

Following an ineffective parenting style may have negative consequences for the kids, like childhood trauma.

Check out this video for good fatherhood tips:

Also, good fathers should know that following a good parenting style helps their kids achieve:

  • Good morals
  • Healthy growth
  • Better mental health
  • Higher academic performance
  • Emotional and physical health

A good father cares for all of his family members

How to be a good father
Photo Source: Freepik

A good father will make certain that his child sees him treating his wife with respect.

Helping her with chores, showing his love and gratitude, and having mature conversations with her when they disagree are all good traits a kid should witness from his father.

A good dad will make family time because, as we mentioned above, he should not dedicate his life to just earning money but to making a balance between his career and his family.

There are a lot of family activities a father can do in his free time with his kids, like watching a movie, going to a baseball match, going to a picnic, etc.

Sometimes, a dad works until late without seeing or calling his kid during the day, so buying the daughter’s favorite candy on the way home and surprising her with the candy the next morning will make things right.

Some careers will not help some dads maintain that balance, like being an army officer, a member of a ship’s crew, or working abroad.

In that case, dads need to know they are lucky to live in this era because they have the opportunity their grandparents did not have, which is to make video calls with their kids whenever possible.

Good fathers show unconditional love

How to be a good father
Photo Source: Freepik

You should not hesitate to show love for your children to be a good father because that helps you to be loved by them in return.

When a kid loves his father, he will consider him his best friend and talk to him freely.

Also, choosing the right discipline, followed by advice, will help the relationship grow in the long run.

Being harsh and cruel will probably cause childhood trauma for kids and force them to lie to avoid punishment.

Some dads will take photos with their kids on special occasions or pick them up unexpectedly from school, and they will reward their kids when they do good things.

When I was 20 years old, I wanted to get my driving license. I was old enough to go alone, but my father insisted on accompanying me.

At first, I felt embarrassed because I was old enough to take care of myself.

Surprisingly, I failed the driving test and felt furious, so my dad started calming me down and promised me that the second time I would pass.

The next time, I passed the test, and my dad was there again to show support. At that very moment, I realized that my father was there to show his love and support and to make good memories we would both remember throughout our lives.

Good fathers are good friends

How to be a good father
Photo Source: Freepik

Some fathers will set boundaries between themselves and their kids. They will not let them express themselves or make decisions because they lack enough experience.

These fathers will not be good friends with their kids, and in return, their kids will not share their stories with them, which will affect the whole relationship badly.

On the other hand, good fathers will teach their kids how to have courage and how to speak freely.

Good fathers teach their kids courage by letting them experiment with new things, like riding a bicycle, without help or by expressing their opinions without fear.

These good traits can only be taught when kids can be friends with their fathers.

Good fathers will ensure to be there when their kids have some interesting events, like the loss of a tooth or attending their training.

Be a role model

A father maintaining a healthy and warm relationship with the mom will help the kids grow in a healthy environment.
On the contrary, disrespecting or humiliating the wife will affect the whole relationship between the father and the family and will leave bad memories of the father.
So being a good father will significantly help the daughter in choosing the right husband, depending on her dad’s traits.
Like father, like son, a son will look up to his father’s behavior and will imitate him in every possible way, so a father should make sure to be an idol in his house.

A good dad will take care of his mental and physical health.

You should separate your work life from your private life. That means that if your job is difficult and stressful, you must hide your bad mood when you reach home so that your kids feel normal.

I know it is not easy, but doing this will help the kids feel relaxed around you.

Maintaining an ideal weight is essential because kids look up to you. So, consider practicing a sport and having private time for refreshing, like going out with friends, to avoid burnout.

If you do not feel well, you should seek advice from a specialist to make things easier.

A good father makes his home safe

Good fathers in their homes will make all the family members feel safe, as supporting protection is considered the oldest job for males throughout the ages.

A dad will make the wife feel comfortable and safe. After all, when something happens to the kids, he will be the one who takes them to the nearest hospital because he is the superhero in his kids’ eyes.

Our word

In this blog post, I tried to cover many aspects of how to be a good father. I know that being a father will require sacrifices and will take time.

It is not an easy task, but in the end, it will be rewarding when you, an old father with gray hair, watch your kids grow old, pursue a career, and later have grandkids.

Life is beautiful, so learn how to live it simply.