How to be a good parent with six simple tips

How to be a good parent

If you are a new parent and raising a baby is a vague matter, then this article is just for you.

All non-experienced parents usually ask:

” what makes a good parent and a good idol?”

“Do all parents do good parenting?”

In this article, we are going to discuss the following tips:

1-Be an idol and do what you say.

2- Good parenting skills lead to Good kids.

3- The balance between work and life.

4- Parents know how to develop their kids’ skills.

5- Responsible and good parents know how to treat each other.

6- Do I have good parenting skills?

7- In conclusion.

1- Be an idol and do what you say.

As a new parent, you need to know that you are the only source of information for your kid, and to be the perfect hero in their eyes, you need to know that it is totally normal to err and make mistakes because to err is human.

Sometimes you might lose your temper with all the busy details you face in everyday life, and as a mature and responsible parent, you should admit your mistakes to your kids without any embarrassment.

Your kids should obey and listen to you not because they fear you or your punishment but because they love, respect, and appreciate you.

Do not be a dictator by giving them orders and assignments to do without discussion; instead, you should convince them and make sure they see and watch you while doing the same things you want them to do.

For example:

You cannot force them not to eat too many deserts, and at the same time, they can easily see you not doing what you just said.

So you have to be an idol and a true leader, so I suggest you start learning about authoritative parenting to know what I mean.

2- Good parenting skills lead to Good kids.

How to be a good parent
AI generated photo: Picsart

What makes a good parent is that parents know how to treat kids with love, and to show this love to the kids, parents have to prove it with actions like giving them a lot of hugs and praising the good things they do.

Even when the kids make mistakes, they should know they are disciplined for their own benefit. Let me show you how:

Parents should tell the kids that they punish them for their unacceptable actions, but despite that, they still love and appreciate them. Of course, kids will not believe their parents, but when they get older and have enough life experience, they will feel indebted to their parents.

And remember, making clear rules for the house will help you, and as a responsible parent, do not forgive and ignore any mistakes your kids make because the small mistakes they make will get bigger as they grow older.

3- The balance between work and life

As a parent, you should know how to find a balance between work and family. You should also know that earning money to satisfy your family’s needs is as important as spending time with your kids.

I know that balancing your life is really hard, but it is not impossible, so you need to start convincing and ordering your unconscious mind to find that balance because negative thoughts of failing to find that balance can affect your unconscious mind, and as a result, it will start to affect your whole attitude.

You can start making small changes in your lifestyle by finding suitable activities like telling your kids short stories before going to bed, exchanging conversations about how you spent your day, traveling on the weekends, or doing whatever is possible for you. After some time, you will notice a positive difference in your life.

4- Parents know how to develop their kids’ skills.

How to be a good parent
Photo source: Freepik

We all know that we are different from each other as unique fingerprints. Parents are aware of that fact, so they help their kids explore and develop their skills, and they do not compare their kids to others because, as I said earlier, we are all different.

Just because you achieved success in some profession or sport does not mean you have the right to force your kids to learn the same job or practice the same sport instead. Help your kids find their passion and try to encourage them to develop the necessary skills so they can be successful individuals who can serve our community positively.

5- Responsible and good parents know how to treat each other.

Kids will always watch their parents, so to be a good parent, you should show love and respect toward your partner and avoid yelling at each other in front of your poor kids.

If, by accident, you had a dispute with your partner in front of your kids, then you have to make sure that both of you fix things quickly, apologize to each other, and inform your kids that everything is fine so that they do not have negative emotions toward any of you.

6- Do I have good parenting skills?

what makes a good parent
Photo source: Freepik

Try to find the balance while raising your kid, and know that no matter how hard you try to be perfect, you will eventually make a mistake, so go easy on yourself and learn to apologize to your kid if you do.

Despite the differences in our social cultures, good parents know how to treat their kids, and as a result, kids appreciate and listen to their parents’ advice.

Reading more about different parenting styles will help you to know and compare them and acquire the right skills to succeed as a parent.

7- In conclusion

It is not an easy task to become a good parent, but it is not impossible either.

You have to set rules with your partner to raise your kids properly and share the same point of view so that your kids do not feel divided between you two and that you do not go hard on them so they do not have childhood traumas.

Focus on your private life every now and then to refresh your mood, because this is what makes a good parent.

Now, it is your turn to share with us your thoughts about more useful tips for being a successful parent.