How to use mindful parenting efficiently like an expert

A dad uses mindful parenting tips with kids

Do you know that 50% of parents in the USA use mindful parenting?

Raising kids is not an easy task for new parents or even experienced ones because it takes time and effort to raise them in a healthy way.

One of the challenges that parents, especially working moms, face is controlling their emotions when dealing with children because they are annoying.

That’s why most parents state that mindful parenting plays a vital role when dealing with children.

In this article, we will discuss the following with you:

What is mindful parenting?                          

What are the most effective mindful parenting tips?

Pros of this approach

Cons of mindful parenting

Why should not mindful parents use a permissive parenting style?

How do you control your outbursts effectively?

What is mindful parenting?

It is a parenting approach that is used in two parenting stylesauthoritative parenting and permissive parenting.

In this approach, parents always listen carefully to their kids and think before they speak when they are in a conflict with someone or complain about something.

Mindful parents use this approach even when their kids are in conflict with them because losing control when speaking to kids will escalate the situation unnecessarily and cause childhood trauma.                      

What are the most effective mindful parenting tips?

Being an understanding parent is a tough task, and you will succeed through the continuous practice of the following techniques to contribute to the overall relationship between you and your kids:

  • Be an authoritative parent.

This is considered to be the most popular parenting style because parents are responsive and democratic because they care about their kids’ needs and have high expectations of them as well.

In this style, parents care about their kids’ emotions, treat them nicely, and consider their opinions, so consider this your first step toward mindful parenting.

  • Let them have their tantrums.

Many new parents feel stressed when their child starts a tantrum, especially in a public place, because they feel embarrassed.

In this case, never try to punish, shout, or even hit your kid for this behavior; instead, be calm and understand that throwing a tantrum is a temporary and natural behavior for kids.

a mom teaches her daughter about mindful parents
Photo source: Freepik
  • Accept their mistakes willingly.

Mindful parents should always remember that their kids are just kids, and making mistakes repeatedly is common; even we make mistakes as adults from time to time.

Kids like to explore the world around them, so to satisfy their curiosity, they may break some rules set by you.

Proper and justified discipline is mandatory to keep things under control.

  • Keep motivating them.

In mindful parenting, parents should not only discipline the bad attitude but also praise the good behavior.

Mindful parents should praise their kid when she controls her outbursts and make an example of her in front of other siblings so that your kids begin to imitate each other.

  • Listen to the story from their point of view.

Smart and mindful parents do not give judgments based on one story; instead, they listen to all sides because a quick judgment will create hatred among your kids.

Pros of mindful parenting for kids

  • Better temper control.

Kids will be able to be more patient and learn to control their emotions effectively when they deal with stressful situations.

Mindful parenting also contributes to better behavior because children feel more secure and understood.

  • Good relationship with the parents.

This approach will lead to a child-led parenting style that lets children feel in control of their lives while gaining autonomy.

Letting children make their own decisions under their parents’ supervision will contribute to a better relationship.

  • They will develop empathy.

When mindful parents do not rush to punish kids and treat them nicely, then kids will learn to show empathy while dealing with others.

  • Better academic performance.

As this parenting approach is not like toxic parenting, our kids will not suffer from any toxicity that may have a negative effect on their performance at school.

  • They can make good decisions.

Mindful parenting helps kids to think clearly and patiently without rushing to unwise solutions when they have to deal with their own problems.

a mindful mother talks to her child
Photo source: Freepik

Cons of mindful parenting

  • Not suitable for all kids

Some kids who have toxic friends will not care about this approach and will take advantage of it.

These kids will break the rules deliberately and will not apologize because they know that their parents will not give up this attitude.

  • It may not work in all situations.

In stressful or dangerous situations, some parents will not use mindful parenting with their kids; instead, they will order or punish them without justification.

In this case, mindful parents should apologize to their kids when everything is back to normal.

  • It takes time and consistency.

This parenting approach cannot be applied easily because we are dealing with kids, and they take a lot of time to be convinced by something, so do not give up trying.

  • It is not suitable for all parents.

Parents who have been raised by authoritarian parents will have a challenge applying all the techniques because their parents used to give them orders without explanation.

Why should not mindful parents use a permissive parenting style?

As we’ve mentioned before, permissive parenting uses mindful techniques just like the authoritative style.

The main difference between them is that permissive parents do not set rules or care about disciplining their children when they make mistakes, unlike authoritative parents.

So, a permissive parenting style will result in having a spoiled child.

How do you control your outbursts effectively?

This is a common problem for mindful parents because they cannot always control their reactions.

But remember that becoming a mindful parent is not an easy task, and it is okay if we make a mistake once in a while.

The following steps will help you better control your outbursts:

  • Do not have conversations with family members if you are stressed.

We can have negative energy from stressful situations, and when we deal with our kids, we unintentionally release all the negativity, like shouting or punishing them.

What you should do is to completely isolate yourself from your kids until you feel good, and then go to solve their little problems.

  • Act listening if you have to listen.

When your kids keep asking you to listen to their silly problems, do not avoid them, because being uninvolved does not contribute to your relationship with them.

Instead, act like you care about their problems and promise them to solve them whenever possible.

  • Take time to think.

Never make a quick judgment; instead, ask your life partner about some thoughts or ideas to solve the problem peacefully.

  • Put yourself in your kids’ shoes.

If your kids deliberately break your rules, then remember how many times you have done the same thing with your own parents.

Kids love to explore life in their own way, so they will try to do things that are not allowed behind your back.

I am not saying to not discipline them, but I am trying to tell you to be easy on them by not causing them trauma with your punishment.

In case you snap at your kid:

You have to take a deep breath and apologize to your kid.

Promise not to do this again and start expressing your feelings to your child so that she forgives you, hopefully.

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