Parenting quotes for hard times with 5 tips to get ready for it

parenting quotes for hard times to make life easier

Written by: Barbra Smith / Last updated: Mar 1, 2024

Many teenagers or newlywed couples think parenting is a tough job, but it is not.

We are not the first of our kind on this planet, and we will not be the last. Our ancestors survived much more hardships with their kids than we do compared to these days.

Couples feel afraid and nervous when they think that parenting is hard because they have to take care of a child or two for many years.

In fact, parenting can be fun and an exciting adventure only if you get ready for it, just like an exam you have to study to succeed.

Today, we will quote parents from online forums about their opinions on parenting and how they survive with this responsibility.

We will discuss:

  1. Quotes about why parenting is hard.
  2. Quotes about parenting
  3. Inspirational parenting quotes for hard times
  4. Stressful parenting is hard.
  5. How do I get ready for parenting?

Quotes about why parenting is hard.

“Parenting is hard and exhausting; the first month is the most difficult because you are afraid of hurting your baby, but when I gave birth to my little girl, I was ready to do anything for her.” – Susan.

“It is not hard if you are ready for it and have the right support; in fact, I enjoy being a parent because when my kids became old enough, I began to be dependent on them doing simple chores.” – Anonymous.

“Being a mom adds to my happiness. Seeing my kids grow adds to my joy. Imagining a future with them as adults adds to my fulfillment.” – Sara.

”My baby has started smiling, and he is so cute. There is a financial investment. But, in the same way, you pay for the experience of vacation; I pay for the experience of raising kids. Watching them try new things is fulfilling in its own way.” – David.

“You slowly realize that no matter what you do, this little person has their own way of being himself, and you are just there to guide them along the path.” – Emma.

Quotes about parenting

“In parenting, the hard years are not forever. What is on the other side of them is so great. For me, I consider them to be my friends, and we share a lot of talk.” – Martin.

“I have a child who is edging towards toddlerhood; I do not find myself annoyed by her one bit! Sometimes she is infuriating, but seeing her achieve milestones satisfies me.” – John.

“Our life is easier than our ancestors; think about walking several miles to buy food or hunting something every day just to secure necessary needs for your family.” – Henry.

“Kids are hard work and an incredible sacrifice, and seeing my sons together loving each other is so satisfying. I also want my kids to have each other even when my husband and I are gone.” – Clara.

“Parenting is difficult if you do not listen to your instincts. They may be buried in tons of book knowledge. Dig it out of there! Our species has successfully raised babies for a few hundred decades. You can, too!” – Nancy.

Inspirational parenting quotes for hard times

“I was worried about being a parent for many reasons, but the moment I laid my eyes on my baby, all my fears faded away, and I instantly fell in love with her.” – Harry.

“Parenting pays off when you do your best with your kids; they just need support and faith in their abilities, and their love for me is indescribable.” – Helen.

“I do love parenting. My daughter is the funniest person I know. And it is challenging, but it is not miserable. I would do it a thousand times for one of her sweet hugs or little goofy laugh.” – Anonymous.

“Parenting requires organizational skills and sacrifices, but you do it without a thought because they are your kids. They get sick and keep you up at night; that is what makes parenting hard.” – Clara.

Stressful parenting is hard.

“I did not expect to feel happy seeing my child grow up, but I do think that watching him grow at a close distance makes a difference.” – James.

“Parenting has been emotionally consuming because we love those babies so deeply that no one can just turn off the parent part of her brain once it is turned on. IT’S ALWAYS ON.” – Maria.

“Parenting gets difficult when you try to rationalize everything. Not everything needs to be scientifically proven to work, and most other parents are not smarter than you.” – Donald.

“When I go pick my little girl up from daycare and she sees me, the smile on her face and the way she runs up to me melt my heart. I love that girl like nothing else in this world.” – Charles.

“I’m happy to be a dad to two daughters. I try hard, but I fail sometimes, but each time they tell me they love me and don’t want me to go back to work, it makes me feel grateful for having them in my life.” – Ethan.

How do I get ready for parenting?

  • Learn more about milestones.

Reading more about parenting and child development is necessary to set real expectations for your kids.

Setting realistic expectations is essential for your child’s health because some parents might rush to teach them to walk before reaching this milestone, and that is wrong.

  • Do not ignore yourself.

I know that parenting is hard and takes a lot of work and effort, but bonding with your close friends and practicing your hobbies is good for your mental health.

  • Stop being a controlling parent.

Kids need guidance and help, but when they are capable of doing things alone, do not force your help.

Controlling behavior from parents forces the kids to rebel against their unnecessary interventions because they need to get new experiences on their own.

  • Read more about parenting styles.

Parenting styles were researched by the developmental psychologist Diana Baumrind.

These styles are authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and uninvolved parenting styles.

We suggest you use the authoritative one, so read more about it here.

  • Involve other family members.

Humans survived their primal lives because of their cooperation and lived together in small villages, taking care of each other.

You should do the same, just like our ancestors. You should involve family members in your parenting journey, such as your life partner, sister, or mom.

Doing that will relieve your stress, especially if this is your first time parenting.


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