15 inspirational quotes to respect parents from real people

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It is a common strategy for websites to push overused quotes to respect parents told by celebrities.

Today, we will be different because we are going to give you some inspirational quotes from real users and real stories about respecting parents from platforms like Quora, Reddit, etc.

This article will show you how some people show respect and love to their parents and why some others respect their parents.

Heart touching respect your parents quotes

Quotes on respecting your parents

Parental respect quotes

Quotes to respect parents for their experience


Heart touching respect your parents quotes

“Your parents are the only ones who will always love you. Others may claim to love you; you may think that your friends do, but they may fake it or not. But your mother and father love you from the bottom of their hearts, and that is never feigned.”   – Sachin Kumar

“It may not always be easy to have respect for our parents, but we should at least strive to behave well towards them. We can treat them with civility just as we would any other human being.”   –Smith

“Show respect by remembering her on Mother’s Day. Give her flowers, and if you are too young to afford them, pick her some wildflowers that are coming up in May. Cook her a breakfast meal.”  –Nancy Campbell

”The first well-wisher in every child’s life is their parents, and by learning to respect their parents, they learn to respect other elders who come along in their life eventually.”  – Sharmistha Biswas

Quotes on respecting your parents

”If the parenting style of the parents is good, then in such cases there is no question related to giving respect. It is a natural outcome as children imitate their parents. If parents are good with their kids, then surely they get due respect from their children.”  – Riptinder Kaur

“Our emotions are affected by our thoughts. So, if you want to understand your parents more, you should begin thinking in a positive way about them.”  – Emma Steven

“You should know that your parents are only humans, like many others. We all make mistakes, and we pay for them dearly. You may not realize or understand their advice, but by the time you reach their age, that will change.”  – Patricia Thompson.

”As I’ve grown up, I think one’s parents should be obeyed and respected. In cases where a parent has failed to give the child something to respect, they do not deserve the same level of respect.”   –Kairi akame

a father spends fun time with his daughter
Photo source: Freepik

Parental respect quotes

“If you understand the importance of having parents and are grateful to them, then it is the best way of showing gratitude.”  – Sachin Kumar

“If your parents lived to an old age, don’t spurn or look down upon them. Say kind words to them.”   –Sai Kiran

“Communication can help you understand the thoughts of your parents and will also strengthen your relationship with all family members.”  – Emma Steven

“A good or even decent parent absolutely deserves respect. They’ve taken care of you for almost twenty years, starting with doing absolutely everything for you and taking a solid portion of their days to cater to your needs while you gradually transition into your independence.

The amount of work and sacrifice a parent has to make is not trivial and absolutely should be respected. After saying that, I will say bad parents deserve much less respect if they deserve any at all.

Respect also doesn’t mean blind obedience. You can respect someone and disagree with him at the same time.” – Anonymous

Quotes to respect parents for their experience

“I respect my parents’ opinion, as long as they respect mine, but we disagree on certain things, and that’s not the problem; we are all free to make our own choices, so it’s okay.”  – Shenn

“When I was growing up, there were certain things I didn’t like about my dad—like that he was overly helpful to others. and I started imitating him when I grew older after gaining enough experience.

It is important to look for positive qualities to respect in them. If not, at least accept them as they are; aren’t you essentially wanting the same?”  – Anna

“When you’re a child, respect your parents because your brain hasn’t fully developed and your parents have your best interests at heart. Kids lack experience, are not capable of critical thinking, and cannot anticipate the second or third-order effects of their decisions, etc.” – anonymous

a father plays with his son
Photo source: Freepik

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