24 famous toxic family quotes and how to deal with that family

A small girl suffers from her toxic family quotes

When was the last time you heard something toxic from a family member?

Family members should give unconditional love to each other, but it is not always guaranteed to have a healthy relationship with family.

Having a relationship with a toxic family can have a really bad influence on us, so we should look carefully for signs that can show us toxic behavior.

Today, we will quote real users of well-known online forums like Quora and Reddit when they were asked about what toxic family members say.

We will discuss the following:

Negativity toxic family quotes

Sibling toxic family quotes

Toxic family members’ quotes

Quotes about toxic family

6 effective ways to deal with them.

Negativity toxic family quotes

“My dad always said that I was a mere mistake and kept bullying me for no reason.” – Reddit user.

“They will not let you pursue your dreams and distract you for no obvious reason, only because they want you to be like them.” – Sara.

“My parents told me that they prefer my brother to me because he is more obedient to them than me.” – Darryl.

“My mother always blamed me and my sister for her career failure because she spent most of her time taking care of us.” – Michael.

“Our grandfather was the toxic family member because he did not like his only daughter’s husband, so he hates his grandkids for no reason.” – Olivia.

“Toxic parents are not forgiving; do not forget your mistakes, and they will keep mentioning your old mistakes when you make new ones.” – Jane.

“I suffer from my toxic mom because she always compares me and my achievements to my friends’ and cousins’.” – Daniel

Sibling toxic family quotes

“My sister does not like me and talks badly about me because she wants to be my mother’s favorite daughter.” – Jenna.

“My brother only talks to me whenever he wants something from me; otherwise, he doesn’t talk or bond with me at all.” – Jack.

“I don’t like my sister at all because she is a drama queen who keeps complaining to my parents about me whenever I refuse to do things for her.” – Oliver.

“I suffer from my sister’s unpredictable mood; sometimes she is good and other times she is bad, and that sends me mixed signals of her true love.” – Emily.

“My sister is ready to accuse me of things I haven’t done because she is afraid to admit them to my parents.” – Abigail.

“My privacy is violated by my siblings, like entering my room without knocking or wearing my clothes without permission, and my parents do nothing about it.” – Carol.

Toxic family members’ quotes

“My toxic parents leave me alone to babysit my siblings and to cook for them, even if I tell them that I am not ready for this kind of responsibility.” – Monica.

“My father worked really hard to support us financially and neglected us emotionally, so we always felt something was missing because he was not there when we needed him.” – Clara.

“Our parents’ love was conditional, and that is the worst thing you could see in a parent because they ask for something in return when you want anything from them.” – Harry.

“My brother and I feel hurt and unsafe when we see our toxic parents fighting in front of us daily over silly things.” – Mia.

“Our father was strict in his punishments because he was a general in the army, so he treated us like soldiers, not like his sons, and our mother made it worse because she did nothing to save us from him.” – David.

Quotes about toxic family

“When I used to attend official occasions with my parents, they always cared about how I looked and acted to not embarrass them in front of others.” – Reddit user.

“They mock me whenever I criticize them or say something they don’t like to hear, which makes me feel awful.” – George.

“When I said that I wanted to be an astronaut, my parents discouraged me and said it was impossible to be one, which made me eventually abandon my dream, and now I regret it.” – Susan.

“The worst thing about my mom is that she gives me advice, but she doesn’t do it herself.” – Reddit user.

“The worst thing about a toxic family is the crossroads between giving up on them or keeping your relationship with them, and both decisions are hurtful.” – Donald.

“No matter how hard I try to change my parents’ attitude toward me and my brother, they always find a way to get back to their toxic behavior.” – Unknown.

6 effective ways to deal with them

By now, you should be able to identify if you have toxic family members or not, and we will give you effective tips for dealing with them.

  • Set strict limits with siblings.

Setting clear boundaries with your siblings will help limit the problems you could get into with them, but that will not always work with parents.

  • Make your parents feel in control.

Parents consider themselves the only authority figures in the house, and you should always listen to and obey them.

To deal with toxic parents, you have to make them feel in control. For example, when they tell you something toxic, act like you do not care by not showing any facial expressions.

Drawing a poker face while dealing with them will imply that nothing can hurt or affect you negatively, and eventually, they will stop spreading their toxicity.

  • Evade unnecessary conflicts.

Being born into a toxic family will lead to several conflicts over silly things, so escape all these conflicts because draining your energy and mental health like that is not good at all.

  • Get help from other family members.

Once, I read that a mom complained to her husband’s uncle because he treated their young child badly and did not show any regret about it.

The uncle confronted the husband and asked him to behave and to change his behavior, and then the dad stopped his bad attitude.

You have to do the same thing by asking someone appreciated and respected by your toxic dad or mom to help you.

  • Accept your family.

It is hard to change people’s bad attitudes if they do not feel wrong about themselves.

If your family members do not show regret or apologize for their bad behavior, then do not bother changing them and accept the situation.

  • Do what pleases you.

We all have something we like to do to escape stressful situations, such as hanging out with friends, listening to music, or practicing a sport we like.

For me, I like to do some yoga because it dissipates all the negative energy and makes me feel relaxed, so why don’t you do the same thing?


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