30 toxic mother quotes and how to deal with her

young mom says toxic mother quotes

It is confusing if you have to deal with a toxic person from time to time, but it is way worse if you have to deal with a dominating or toxic mother.

Living with a toxic mother can have many negative effects on you, such as anxiety, depression, a lack of self-confidence, or emotional exhaustion.

But how can you really identify and make sure that you have a toxic mom?

In this blog post, we will show what real people from online forums like Quora and Reddit are saying about the quotes they would hear from a toxic mom.

We will also mention some tips to help you deal with this kind of mom.

  1. Selfish toxic mother quotes             
  2. Toxic narcissistic mother quotes
  3. Broken mother daughter relationship toxic mom quotes
  4. Toxic mother daughter relationship quotes
  5. How should you deal with a toxic mother?

Selfish toxic mother quotes

 “A toxic mother believes that children should obey her rules blindly and without question because she is just their mom.” – Mia.

“My mother is toxic to me and my wife; mom asks me to visit her alone, and sometimes she threatens to cut me off the inheritance unless I divorce my wife.” – John.

“My mother is not toxic, but I see many mothers do not care about their kids’ morals and values as much as they care about exam grades.” – Adam.

“When my father passed away, my mom was controlling and did not listen to anyone’s opinion or consider the consequences of her behavior.” – Michael.

“A toxic mom does not hold her children accountable for their behavior; this is exactly how awful people are made.” – Emma.

“My mother ignores giving me help to solve my problems, and she also tells me not to bring them home.” – Monica.

“I was forced to do things I did not like just because my toxic mom saw other children doing them.” – Unknown.

“Mom had high expectations of me, so high that I could not reach them, and then she punishes me when I cannot do what she expects” – Reddit user.

toxic narcissistic mother quotes

“I was never praised for my achievements but was ashamed and yelled at if I did something wrong” – Robert.

“My siblings and I would often get severe punishments, such as being locked in a room, being pushed, or being yelled at until the neighbors got upset.” – Donald

 “I started telling lies because I am afraid of my mother’s severe punishment and shaming.” – Nancy.

 “Living with an old-fashioned mom is bothersome because she does not believe in technology and forces us to be Amish just like her.” – Reddit user.

“My mother blames me and my sibling for her career failure because she gave up on her job to take care of us.” – Jerry.

“My toxic mother preferred her job over me, so I was left alone in the house for several days when I was a child.” – Harry.

“I think you should go and live with your friend’s parents. Perhaps they will teach you some manners; once you have, you can try speaking to me again.” – David.

“Whenever I wanted to take a break from studying, my mom would tell me that she would kick me out of our home and to look for a job.” – George.

Broken mother daughter relationship toxic mom quotes

“Unfortunately, my mother had a rough childhood living with her parents, so right now she thinks it is normal to repeat her same old misery with us.” – Unknown.

 “I was threatened several times that I would pay my toxic mom the money she spent on my education if I did not get high grades.” – Sabrina.

“I had a friend who could not do anything alone without her mother’s help, and when she turned 16, her mom started asking why she failed to get any job.” – Sara.

 “My mother has no respect for my privacy because she goes through my diaries and spies on my phone.” – Jessica.

“My sister is preferred more than me, so whenever we get into a conflict, our mother always takes her side against me, even if she is the wrong one.” – Susan.

“Our mom set boundaries and rules for us that she did not follow, and she did not apologize for anything that she did badly.” – Clara.

“My dad suffered from my toxic mother’s attitude just like us, so their fighting with each other on a daily basis affected our mental health.” – Sofia.

Toxic mother daughter relationship quotes

“Whenever I cried, my toxic mother would threaten me to stop crying, or she would give me something to cry about.” – Reddit user.

“My mother always complains to my father about how no one of her daughters appreciates her efforts or sacrifices, although we help her with chores.” – Emily.

“I want to be a teacher, and my mother discourages me by saying mean things because I am a little shy and cannot talk to people.” – Carla.

“Our mom does not care about us or even remember our birthdays, but she gets really mad and upset if we forget her birthday or neglect her.” – Luna.

“After her divorce, she had a boyfriend and kicked me out of her house; it is as simple as that.” – Unknown.

“My mother’s love was conditional; whenever I asked her to buy me something, she asked for something in return; it felt like negotiating with an enemy.” – Ava.

“Sometimes I wish I never had you; why can’t you be like your friend, who is always behaving politely and respectfully.” – Unknown.

How should you deal with a toxic mother?

After reading all these quotes, you should be able to tell if your mom is toxic or not, and now we will show you the right tips to deal with her.

  • Do what women love.

Your mom is like any other woman; they all like hearing compliments and nice words.

From time to time, try to say nice things to her even if you are not convinced because being nice will help keep you off her radar.

  • Seek autonomy.

If you cannot take it anymore and there is no way you can live with her, then start looking for a job to earn some money and move out of the house.

  • Let her see how responsive you are.

A controlling or toxic mother likes to see how responsive you are, and she cares a lot about how you react to her requests.

Getting into unnecessary arguments with her will worsen your situation, so I need you to act or fake it.

Pretending to do what your mom wishes is a good solution because she only wants to feel in power.

  • Do not put faith in her.

Toxic people, in general, only care about themselves, so they like to say or promise nice things to those who trust them, and after they get what they want, they abandon their promises.

For example, my cousin believed his toxic mom’s promises if he witnessed against his father in court, and after she won the trial, she kicked him out of the house.

  • Set official boundaries.

Try not to engage in activities with your mom as much as you can, and limit your conversations with her to avoid her toxicity.

  • Seek help from people around you.

Getting help from your school or seeking professional help is an effective way to relieve your pain.

Also, getting help from a relative who is respected and appreciated by your mom is considered an effective way because she will feel embarrassed during the confrontation.

  • Do some aerobics or hit the gym.

Practicing a sport is a good way to get rid of all the stress you could get from a toxic mother because sports take away all the negative energy and make you look good.

For me, I prefer the aerobics option because it helped me personally, so what about you?


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