a boy is suffering from his toxic parents quotes

It is a misfortune to deal with toxic people in general, but it is way worse if you have to live and deal with controlling or toxic parents.

Living with these toxic parents will have several negative effects, like deteriorating mental health, depression, and a lack of self-confidence.

But how should one know if they have toxic parents or not?

In this post, we will share the answers of real people when they were asked about quotes said by toxic parents on online forums like Quora and Reddit.

We will also cover several tips on how you should deal with them.

Toxic parents quotes

Quotes about selfish parents

Toxic parent quotes

Toxic co-parenting quotes

How to deal with toxic parents?

Toxic parents quotes

“I have never seen my parents happy or satisfied with my achievements because when I do something good, they ask for something better.” – Ava.

“My parents shame me for every mistake I make, which hurts my feelings and mental health.” – Olivia.

“My toxic parents compare me to my friends and shame me when they have better academic achievements, so I am jealous of other people’s accomplishments.” – James.

“Some parents believe that granting their kids’ wishes will spoil them, so they do not like to buy them the simple things they want.” – Thomas.

“I feel sorry for my mother because she was treated badly in her childhood by my grandparents, and now she repeats the same misery with me and my siblings.” – Edward.

“Toxic parents will ignore bonding and spending time with you and will prefer taking care of their careers more than you.” – Sara.

“Since I was a young child, my father has made me work during the summer holiday against my will because he felt it was better than playing with other neighborhood kids.” – Unknown.

“Whenever I have an argument with my sibling, my toxic parents always take his side against me, even if he is the wrong one.” – Robert.

Quotes about selfish parents

“My parents keep discouraging me from pursuing my dream of becoming a doctor because they do not believe in my abilities.” – Donald.

“My father is trying to force me to work in his career because we are a family business, and I have to keep it.” – Sofia.

“Our parents had the pleasure of intimidating me and my siblings to make us behave well because they believed that was the only way to raise good kids.” – Luna.

“The worst thing I hate about toxic parents is their conditional love; they only praise me when I do something good.” – Carla.

“I have to choose words carefully whenever I have to deal with my parents because they get mad when I say something not appropriate from their own perspective.”  – Maria.

“Cutting off my toxic parents was a hard choice I had to make because it was harder to keep living with them.” – Oliver.

“Unfortunately, my mom and dad hate each other, and they try to force us to take sides in their conflicts.” – William.

“Feeling safe does not only require a house but also understanding and responsible parents.” – Lucas.

“My parents are so focused on their careers that they forget about me and my younger sister.” – Emma.

Toxic parent quotes

“I have never been able to defend myself and have always been the fall guy in the house when something goes wrong.” – John.

“My parents keep telling me to behave and to be ideal, but at the same time, I can see them not doing what they say.” – Daphne.

“Sometimes our parents blame us for their career failures because they waste time taking care of us.” – Abigail.

“My toxic parents are divorced, my dad married another divorced woman and does not even call us on holidays, and my mom is having reckless adventures with her boyfriends.” – David.

“My parents do not care about my privacy; they enter my room without knocking and spy on my phone.” – Henry.

“They ignore my needs, and they do not care to provide me with an explanation when I ask them why.” – Harry.

“You do not appreciate our efforts enough; do you think you are living in this house for free?” – Sabrina Garcia.

“Toxic parents are those who do not let their kids make their own decisions or abandon them to suffer alone in this life.” – Jessica.

Toxic co-parenting quotes

 “They use the fear of their child as a way to get results out of them.” – Mia.

“They use physical abuse, neglect, verbal abuse, or even emotional manipulation and mind games.” – David.

“If your parents are putting you down, making you feel guilty, or making your life difficult and unhappy, then you may have toxic parents.” – John.

“My toxic mother kicked me out of the house after her divorce because she wanted to forget everything about my father, including me as their son.” – Max.

“Living with toxic parents drains the energy of their small kids, so they are forced to survive several conflicts with them.” – Johnny.

“Toxic parents provoke and harass their own kids for their selfish benefits, and they will not leave them alone.” – Jason.

How to deal with toxic parents?

After reading some toxic parents quotes, you should be able to identify if you have toxic parents or not, and now we will support you with the necessary tips to deal with them effectively.

  • Do not trust them.

It is a misfortune to say that, but it is true because toxic parents do not do what they promise you.

They may promise you some nice things, but these parents will abandon their promises when you do what they want.

For example, my friend’s toxic mom convinced him to testify against his father in court to get custody and money from her husband.

After winning the trial, she despised my friend and treated him badly, and all her promises to him faded away.

  • Choose your words wisely.

Limit your conversations with your toxic parents because they have the ability to spoil your mood easily.

If you have to argue with them, then choose your words carefully because they are clever at turning the tables, and you will be on the losing side.

  • Escape unnecessary conflicts.

Being involved in silly conflicts with your parents will drain your energy and make you unproductive.

These kinds of conflicts will also affect your mental health negatively, which can cause depression and anxiety.

  • Ask for help.

Seeking help from others is a good choice, like your school, attending therapy sessions, or one of your relatives.

I recommend the relative option because your parents may get embarrassed when someone from the family confronts them.

  • Relax your mind.

This tip might be hard at first, but trying to do what you really love, like listening to music, seeing a friend, or spending time in nature alone, will help you clear your mind.

For me, I love doing some aerobic exercise because, after some time, it will enhance your mood and your body will be more powerful, which can give you self-confidence.

  • Do not bother changing your toxic parents’ attitude.

If your parents do not feel sorry for their toxic behavior or do not ask for your forgiveness, then do not try to befriend them.

Making desperate attempts to change them is like inflating a punctured balloon.


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