When do babies start walking? Easy guide for new parents

When do babies walk

Do you know the most memorable moment that parents remember for their babies?

Parents always remember the day their babies were born, but the moment we are talking about today is when their babies start walking independently.

Walking for babies is considered the first step in transitioning from a baby to a toddler.

Babies learn to walk between 10 and 16 months; sometimes they start walking earlier or later than that.

Parents will notice that their baby will look at them with an innocent smile while making her first steps.

At that moment, parents should realize that the cute and peaceful baby will no longer be the same, as she will like to explore everything around her.

In this blog post, we will discuss the following:

1.    When do babies walk? The milestones of walking

2.    How do you encourage babies to learn to walk

3.    Precautions to consider when babies start walking independently

4.    When to consult a doctor while babies learn to walk

5.    What is the next phase after “when do babies start to walk?”

When do babies walk? The milestones of walking

When do babies start walking
Photo source: Unsplash

Before starting to talk about walking milestones, you need to know that not all babies follow the same timeline.

Some babies will start teething faster than others, and that affects the walking process because calcium will not be enough to strengthen bones and teeth simultaneously.

And some other babies will start the ” walking early ” skill before they can grow teeth.

So, parents should consider that walking and teething are relative to each other during the child’s growth.

Now let us start talking about the walking milestones:

From 4 to 7 months:

Babies start to balance themselves as they develop more control over their muscles, so at this phase, they can start rolling back and forth, especially at night during sleeping.

From 7 to 10 months:

Babies at this phase are able to use their hands and legs to be on their tummies and start crawling.

At first, a baby uses her hands only to pull her whole body, but after a short time, she begins to use her legs to help her more and more.

During the crawling phase:

When babies start crawling and exploring the entire house, they will begin to pull themselves up by hanging on the furniture.

From 10 to 13 months:

At this age, babies learn to walk and make their first steps by hanging on the furniture or by holding a parent’s hand.

From 13 to 16 months:

 babies will have more balance and the ability to stand and walk on their own without much help.

How do you encourage babies to learn to walk?

When do babies start walking
Photo source: Unsplash

Although babies will develop the walking skill naturally, parents can also help them boost this development by following some tips:

  1. At the age of 5 to 6 months, parents can put their babies on their tummies so they can strengthen their core and neck muscles and also use their hands, like doing a push-up exercise.
  2. Making babies wear too many clothes is not good, as these layers of clothes will restrict the range of motion that babies are able can make.
  3. Parents can use a toy as a target to encourage babies to crawl by putting it on the floor a few steps away from the baby. Or they can put it on a chair to motivate babies to learn to walk toward the toy.
  4. Babies learn to walk faster when their parents hold their hands while they stand to take a few steps.
  5. When babies start walking independently, parents should smile at the baby and applaud as a sign of being happy for that development.
  6. Do not let your baby wear shoes while learning to walk, as shoes can prevent the baby from balancing itself.

Please note that babies get tired quickly from standing or walking at the beginning, so do not force your baby to walk while showing signs of tiredness.

Also, note that your baby may crawl if she wants to get something quickly because she is not yet able to run.

Precautions to consider when babies start walking independently.

When do babies walk
Photo source: Freepik

New parents do not know the necessary precautions to protect their baby while learning to walk. So here are some tips to start with:

  • Parents should secure a specific, large, and empty area so that babies learn to walk safely.
  • Buy baby products that cover the sharp edges of furniture to avoid accidents.
  • Buy plastic locks to lock drawers and cupboards because when babies start walking, they love to hang on drawers, so they are vulnerable to injuries as anything can fall out of them.
  • If your house has internal stairs, then install gates at the top and bottom of the stairs to protect your baby from sudden injuries.
  • It is not advisable to let babies use baby walkers to help them with walking early skill, as they do not allow babies to be in the right standing position.

Once, my nephew climbed on a chair and jumped on it repeatedly, ending up falling from it on the floor and injuring himself.

I mentioned that example because that situation happened in just two minutes and because injuries happen so fast if parents do not pay enough attention to their kids.

When to consult a doctor while babies learn to walk

New parents may show concerns about their babies not walking by at 12 months old because they compare their baby’s milestones with other babies such as crawling, talking, walking, and teething.

Parents should be assured that their baby can develop differently than other babies, so there are no certain rules or dates for achieving milestones.

So start consulting the doctor when:

  1. The baby cannot pull herself up or shows no interest in walking.
  2. The baby has shaking legs when standing or walking independently for a long time, as the baby may have weak muscles.
  3. The baby’s legs are not in their normal shape for a long time, as they can have many shapes like bowed legs, knock knees, and pigeon toes.

What is the next phase after "when do babies start walking?"

After babies learn to walk efficiently, they will start to develop other skills like:


This phase begins after a baby learns to walk proficiently, especially when parents put their toys on a chair to encourage them to walk.


Babies will start running between 18 and 24 months old, So watch out for your little Sonic.


between 20 and 24-month-old babies start squatting without using their hands to support them, like in a crawling position.

1 thought on “When do babies start walking? Easy guide for new parents”

  1. Pingback: When do babies start crawling? The complete guide

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