For confused new moms: why do babies cry?

A parent asks, Why do babies cry so much?

Written by: Barbra Smith / Last updated: Apr. 9, 2024

Many new parents expect their baby to show a cute toothless laugh or make cute little noises, but it’s not always that good because they find their baby crying for no obvious reason and for a long time.

A baby cries because this is the only way she uses to express her needs, and this can make new parents feel puzzled and stressed because they cannot figure out what she really wants.

On the contrary, experienced parents can guess what their baby needs and how to solve it.

In this blog post, we will share with you 11 reasons why babies cry and how to deal with a crying baby with simple yet effective techniques.

Why do babies cry?

There are many reasons for a baby to cry, so we will try to cover the most common ones.

- The baby is hungry

The first thing that parents should consider is that babies get hungry fast because they normally need breastfeeding 8 to 12 times per day, so it is considered to be the most common reason for a baby crying, and that can be clear by knowing some signs like:

  • Opening and closing the lips.
  • Sucking the fingers.

Babies show signs when they finish breastfeeding, like:

  1. Relaxing her head while being held for breastfeeding.
  2. Slowing down while sucking milk.
  3. Sleeping while being breastfed.

Remember that babies should be breastfed once every 2 to 3 hours.

- Your baby suffers from colic

When babies are breastfed, there is a high chance that they may suck air with milk, which will cause gases in their tummies, or, in some rare cases, babies may be allergic to some food proteins that pass through the mother’s breast milk.

The baby won’t stop crying while having colic unless you consult a specialist for a prescription or by doing a classic bicycle technique by laying the baby on her back, lifting her legs, and moving the legs like a bicycle crunch exercise.

By using this technique, both the intestines and the anus will be more relaxed, resulting in getting rid of unwanted gases.

Parents can also massage their baby’s belly gently to help the gasses go out to relieve the pain.

- The baby is tired and feels exhausted

Newborn babies sleep between 14 to 17 hours per day, so they feel tired if they are played with or awake for several hours.

To solve this problem, carry your baby to a quiet place or use a baby’s swing while gently swinging it so that she falls asleep peacefully.

Another thing to mention is that you should make sure that no one shakes the baby, especially when another kid with no expertise has your baby.

Shaking the baby violently can cause swelling or bleeding in the brain.

- Too much caffeine

Drinking caffeine is good for our health, but moms should consider not drinking too much coffee or should not exceed 300 mg of caffeine each day.

Some babies are more sensitive to caffeine than others, which tires them and makes them awake for longer periods.

- Dirty Diaper

A baby cries when she feels uncomfortable while wearing a dirty diaper, so parents need to investigate the cleanliness of the diaper by smelling the baby.

Ignoring changing the diaper may cause a leak on the clothes, so changing the diaper comforts the baby.

Parents should also not buy cheap or bad-quality diapers because they can cause a diaper rash, which means a lot of crying.

- A trapped burp

When babies are breastfed, they swallow air in their tummies, so when they feel discomfort, they begin crying immediately.

To burp the baby, there are techniques, like holding the baby close to your shoulder and patting your baby’s back to burp, but remember to put a small towel on your shoulder because your baby might vomit some milk on your shoulder.

Another technique is to hold your baby in a sitting position while supporting her neck to release the burp.

- The baby needs cuddling and hugs

Sometimes, babies cry because they are alone or do not feel safe and miss their parents’ scent, so holding the baby will make her stop crying.

Know that carrying a baby, especially in the first couple of months, is essential because they used to hear your voice and your heartbeats in your womb.

- Many clothes layers

New parents exaggerate by making their babies wear too many clothes because they are worried about their babies.

According to the weather, parents should not make their baby wear too many layers because that will reduce their range of motion and make them feel uncomfortable.

Making the baby wear an extra layer than you is the recommended option by many specialists.

- Baby teething

Teething is one of the most common causes of crying in babies between 4 and 8 months because their teeth hurt them while coming out through the gums.

To solve this problem, parents might do the following:

  • Leaving the baby alone for a minute or two because they might stop crying on their own.
  • Make the baby bite on a cold baby ring or a spoon.

Check out our full article about baby teething to help you better understand it.

- Uncomfortable surrounding environment

Babies can become fussy if they are not comfortable with their surroundings and that could be anything like high room temperature, too much noise, a light focused on their eyes,…etc.

- Not feeling well

When babies are sick and not feeling well, like having a fever or pain in their ears, they will cry for some time, and their crying sounds will be unique and different.

This can be easily identified when you eliminate every reason we have discussed while there is nothing else to do.

In this case, please consult your doctor immediately.

It is also worth mentioning that parents should not let others kiss their newborns because this can spread germs and bacteria, which leads to illnesses that the immune system cannot resist.

What should you do if your baby cries in a public place?

Many parents have shared their tips to handle this situation, so we will share with you their ways from online parenting forums:

“I do my best to calm him, usually singing while patting him, and I do that while smiling apologetically to anyone hearing us. I also find it much easier to handle this situation while holding him than putting him in a stroller.” – Jessica.

“I used a carrier with my baby girl; she was calmer and tended to sleep if she was held right against me.” – Emma.

“Try to know why she is crying; check if she is hungry, dirty, uncomfortable, wants to be held, or tired; and do not worry about what others think because she is your daughter, not theirs. – Miley.

“Why do babies cry so much in public places? I certainly do not know but I know that handling this situation can be frustrating to many parents especially new ones so my advice is to be calm as much as you can.” – John.

When to let the baby cry it out?

Sometimes, the sound of a baby crying can cause stress for the parent, so if a mom is feeling stressed out, she must isolate herself from the baby so that she does not lose her nerves around the baby.

A mom in this situation should ask for her partner’s help to take over the responsibility of comforting the baby and she should remember that this crying phase will not last forever.


Babies are weak; their only way to express their wishes is by crying.

Their parents are the most important to them, so be calm when you deal with your baby.

Remember that your baby does not want to upset you; she only wants to tell you. I can’t talk! So be patient with me and give me your love and care.

Also, know that soothing your baby’s pain is not that hard; it only requires patience and some experience.


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