For Parents

20 new quotes for bad parenting and tips to avoid them

quotes for bad parenting

Written by: Barbra Smith / Last updated: May. 10, 2024 Parenting is a journey that requires understanding, responsibility and patience. Many couples weaponize themselves with the necessary knowledge before becoming parents, but many others do spontaneous parenting without sufficient knowledge. Bad parents who fail to meet their kids’ physical and emotional needs will leave them with

20 new quotes for bad parenting and tips to avoid them Read More »

Parenting is hard; check out how to be successful in it.

parenting is hard for new parents and couples

Written by: Barbra Smith / Last updated: Feb 25, 2024  Many new parents and teenagers think parenting is difficult because of its responsibilities and challenges. They also believe that having no children is their only way to escape this challenge, but that is not necessarily true. I thought that too when I saw my sister, who, unfortunately, yells

Parenting is hard; check out how to be successful in it. Read More »

To Be A Good Mom, Stop Using Reactive Parenting Now.

reactive parenting harms your relationship with your kids

Reactive parenting is basically a parenting approach that is characterized by emotional and aggressive reactions that parents use to correct their children’s behavior. This reactive behavior can lead the parents to punish the kid emotionally or physically, which can lead to childhood trauma and a bad relationship between them. Adopting reactive behavior in your relationship with your

To Be A Good Mom, Stop Using Reactive Parenting Now. Read More »

Understanding Speech Delay: Practical Strategies for Improvement

speech delay in toddlers

Many parents are confused about their child’s speech delay because they notice other children start talking way before their kid. Some other parents suspect that their child is autistic because he is a late talker. Parents should notice that this issue is common among children, as one in five children in the US has a

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Understanding Free-Range Parenting and the Benefits It Can Offer

parents like to use the free-range parenting style

Free-range parenting is one of the sub-types of parenting styles in which parents give their children the freedom to gain new experiences by trying new things without help or supervision so that they can develop certain traits like self-confidence. Some people mix this style with neglectful parenting because they have similarities. We will discuss the

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